We are announcing the 2025-2026 Call for Enrolment in Undergraduate and Integrated Master’s Study Programmes (in Slovene).
How and where to apply
By the deadline set in the Call for Enrolment, submit the electronic application form via the eVŠ web portal with a qualified digital certificate, smsPASS, e-ID card, Arnes AAI account (an account of the Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure), or with a username and password after logging in to the SI-PASS system.
Submitting applications and supplemental documents
In the application-admission procedures for enrolment in the 2025/2026 academic year, you must also submit all supplemental documents required for application electronically via eVŠ information system. Check detailed instruction on how to submit supplemental documents together with the application and how to submit them later when the application for enrolment has already been electronically submitted (in Slovene).
Enrolment places
Enrolment places in numbers for academic year 2025/26 – SAMOSTOJNI VISOKOŠOLSKI ZAVODI (xlsx; 44 KB) (in Slovene)
The first application period for undergraduate and integrated master’s studies is open. Apply via the eVŠ portal until 20 April 2025. Deadline for submission of attachments/evidence of education is 20th April 2025 for candidates who already have certificates; and up to 1st August 2025 for candidates, which will ultimately be explained to them shoe released in 2025.
When to apply for academic year 2025/26:
APPLICATION PERIOD | Deadlines | Submission deadlines attachments to the application | Deadlines Status |
First Application Period Candidates may submit one application specifying, in order of priority, a maximum of three (3) different study programmes in which they wish to enrol. | From 18 February to 20 April 2025. | Deadline for submission of attachments/evidence of education until 20th April 2025 for candidates who already have Certificates; and up to 1st August 2025 for for which the final certificate will be issued in 2025. | The application period is open. |
Second Application Period Candidates may submit one application specifying, in order of priority, a maximum of three (3) different study programmes in which they wish to enrol. | From 1 to 5 September 2025. | The deadline for submitting attachments/evidence of education is Until the end of the application period hand. | The application period is not open yet. |
Application period for still-available enrolment places Candidates may submit three applications, in each specifying one study programme. | From 24 to 25 September 2025 until 10 a.m. CET. | The deadline for submitting attachments/evidence of education is Until the end of the application period hand. | The application period is not open yet. |
Application deadline for enrolment in a higher year of study (for all candidates regardless of citizenship). Candidates may submit several applications, in each specifying one study programme. | From 1 to 15 September 2025 | The deadline for submitting attachments/evidence of education is Until the end of the application period hand. | The application period is not open yet. |
Candidates who prove the fulfilment of access requirements with foreign previous education and wish to continue their education at the VŠ Grm Novo mesto, in accordance with the Assessment and Recognition of Education Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 87/11, 97/11. – corr. and 175/20), obtain the Decision on recognition of foreign education for the purpose of further education at the VŠ Grm Novo mesto. The procedure for recognition of foreign education can only be initiated by submitting an online application form for enrolment via the eVŠ web portal (opens in a new tab) . The online application for enrolment also serves as an application for the initiation of the procedure for recognition of foreign academic qualifications. Candidates who submit an incomplete application for enrolment or application for recognition of education for the purpose of continuing education will individually receive additional information on the request and the deadline to supplement the application electronically via the eVŠ web portal. The document or notification will be downloaded electronically from the eVŠ web portal after prior authentication. It is considered that the candidate has familiarized themselves with the content of the document or the notification by registering in the eVŠ portal. When the document is delivered in person via the eVŠ portal, the candidate electronically confirms the electronic proof of service. The day of electronic confirmation of the electronic proof of service is the day the document shall be considered as delivered. If the document is not retrieved by the candidate within five days from the receipt of the information notice on the electronically sent document via the eVŠ portal, the document shall be considered as delivered on the day when this time limit expires.
Supporting documents required for the recognition procedure:
1. An e-copy/scan or photograph of the certificate(s) of education which the candiate wants to be recognised for consideration in the application and selection procedure; without legalisation. The authenticity of certificates will be checked with the issuer of the original document by the higher education institution. In the event that the higher education institution is unable to confirm the authenticity of the document, the candidate will be called on to provide:
The original certificate proving an education completed abroad and is legalised according to the regulations and according to the country of origin. Legalisation requirements according to the country of origin of the certificate:
- Without legalisation: Austria, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, France, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Romania, North Macedonia, and Serbia.
- An Apostille: Signatories of the Hague Apostille Convention (opens in a new tab) . Competent authorities in the countries, signatories of the HCCH (opens in a new tab) .
- Verification of Documents in International Transport Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 9/17): all other countries not mentioned above. In accordance with the Verification of Documents in International Transport Act, certificates are legalised under the internal regulations of the foreign country, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The stamp and signature of the authorised person of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of a foreign country must be verified by the diplomatic or consular mission of the Republic of Slovenia abroad, accredited to that country, or by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia.
2. An e-copy/scan or photograph of a court-certified translation of the education certificate from point 1 into Slovene or English. In the event that the candidate is required to send a translation of the document, they will be invited to do so at a later stage on the eVŠ web portal.
3. An e-copy/scan or photograph of the contents and duration of education and of the fulfilled study requirements during education. In the event that the candidate is required to send a translation of the proof document, they will be invited to do so at a later stage on the eVŠ web portal.
4. An e-copy/scan or photograph of a short chronological description of the entire education relevant to the application procedure for enrolment and recognition of foreign education (write down by year the course of your education in a few sentences or fullfil the attached form).
5. An e-copy/scan or photograph of the document proving that the candidate has passed a Slovenian language exam at the appropriate level or other relevant proof – only in cases where this is an enrolment condition for the study programme. More information about other relevant proof is available in the call text for each study programme.
6. An e-copy/scan or photograph of the personal document on the basis of the written consent of the candidate:
- citizens of the EU Member States: identity card or passport (page with personal data of the candidate showing the name, surname, date and place of birth and citizenship),
- citizens of non-EU Member States: passport (page with personal data of the candidate showing the name, surname, date and place of birth and citizenship).
7. Additional proof: the education recognition authority may require the applicant to provide additional proof, if this is necessary to assess the application. In this case, the candidate will be invited to provide it at a later stage on the eVŠ web portal.
The list of documents may vary depending on the country where the education certificate was issued; therefore, in order to obtain more detailed information concerning the list of mandatory documents or additional information on the recognition procedure, candidates are advised to contact the authorised person at the VŠ Grm Novo mesto.
Deadlines for submission of attachments to the application differ from the application deadline (see table above). THE APPLICATION IS COMPLETE WHEN ALL DOCUMENTS ARE ATTACHED.
The deadline for the issuing of a decision recognition in accordance with the Assessment on the Evaluation and Recognition of Education Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 87/2011, 97/2011 am. and 109/12) is no later than two months after the application has been completed. Candidates must comply with the deadlines set for the submission of proof of compliance with the enrolment conditions in the application and admission procedure. Applications that are not completed by the deadline in accordance with the call for completions will be rejected in accordance with the General Administrative Procedure Act and applications will not be included in the selection procedure.
are available on
Foreign citizens must pay a tuition fee in accordance with the Rules on Tuition Fees and Accommodation in Students’ dormitories for Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship and Foreigners in the Republic of Slovenia (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, Nos 77/16, 25/19 and 56/22). The tuition fee for enrolment in 1st year is 2.990,00 € and contribution costs for study are 140,00 € and both should be payed within enrolment procedure.