Information about the study program

Higher professional education study program

1st cycle professional study program

The duration of the study: 3 years, 180 credit points (ECTS)

The academic title: Graduate Engineer of Landscape Management

The College was founded to educate and train highly qualified employees in the following fields:

• life sciences,

• agriculture,

• forestry,

• fishery,

• environmental protection,

• business and administration.

The program is markedly interdisciplinary and cannot be defined and determined by one study field alone, as it consists of both social (business) sciences (organization, management, marketing, economics) and natural sciences (ecology, living environment), as well as environmental protection (management of agricultural and forest land, nature protection), scientific disciplines from the field of landscape and countryside management, regional development and agricultural management.

1. Classification of the study program according to KLASIUS-P:

The Position of the College in Education and Training Classification Systems

According to the classification of educational activities, the program in Landscape Management is placed into the broad field of agriculture, forestry, fishery, and veterinary (6); the narrower field ofagriculture, forestry, fishery, and veterinary (62); the detailed field of agriculture, forestry, fishery, veterinary (620); and nationally specific field of agriculture, forestry, fishery, veterinary (6200).

Classification according to Klasiusu-P-16: 0888:

interdisciplinary educational activities/outcomes; predominantly agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and veterinary.

2. Classification according to

the Slovenian Qualifications Framework (SOK – Slovensko ogrodje kvalifikacij),

the European Qualifications Framework (EOK – Evropsko ogrodje kvalifikacij),

the Qualifications Framework in the European Higher Education Area (EOVK – Evropsko ogrodje visokošolskih kvalifikacij):

SOK: level 7,

EOK: level 6,

EOVK: level 1.

3. The program – as a result of its markedly interdisciplinary character – is connected in different proportions to the following 5 study areas according to the ISCED classification: (34) business and administration, (42) life sciences, (85) environmental protection, (54) manufacturing and processing, (62) agriculture, forestry and fishery. The higher professional education program in Landscape Management is classified as 5B ISCED level (the first level of tertiary education) which incorporates the programs which are more practical/professional/vocationally specific.

4. According to the ARIS classification, the College focuses on the following areas: 4 – Biotechnical sciences, 4.02 – Animal production, 4.03 – Plant production, 4.05 – Landscape design, 5 – Social sciences, 5.02 Economics, 5.04 – Administrative and organisational sciences, 5.04.03 – Management.

5. According to the CERIF classification, the research activity at the College falls into the following categories: B 000 (Biomedical sciences), B 003 (Ecology), B 006 (Agronomics), S 000 (Social sciences), S 187 (Agricultural economics), S 189 (Organisational science), S 190 (Management of enterprises), S 191 (Market study), T 000 (Technological science), T 250 (Landscape design), T 260 (Physical planning), T 270 (Environmental technology, Pollution control).

6. The program is connected in different proportions, according to the Frascati classification, to the field of Agricultural sciences (4) which is classified as a basic research field. Both the study program and the scientific research focus on the interdisciplinary field of agricultural sciences (4.1 agriculture, forestry, fishery and allied sciences), and also on 5 (Social Sciences), 5.2 (Economics).

Objectives of the program

The basic objective of the higher professional education study program in Landscape Management is to train the graduates to successfully work in their chosen professional field and thus successfully integrate into the work environment.

General competencies of the graduates:

• they can record the problem, analyze it and anticipate operational solutions in technological terms or in the process of organization and management,

• they can master standard development methods, procedures and processes,

• they are capable of critical assessment,

• they can apply the acquired knowledge in practice in a concrete work process,

• they can master development and progress,

• they are autonomous in professional work in the fields of landscape, regional development, landscape management and agriculture,

• they understand social systems in a business environment,

• they develop communication skills and skills necessary in the domestic and international business environment,

• they use a professional foreign language in oral and written form,

• they are cooperative and capable of working as part of a team,

• they are capable of interdisciplinary knowledge integration,

• they carry out professional activities in compliance with legislation, and health and environmental protection,

• they monitor and manage the necessary documentation,

• they are committed to professional ethics.

The general competencies referred to above can be divided into three groups, namely:

1. instrumental competencies, which include:

• cognitive abilities, the ability to understand and use ideas and thoughts,

• methodological skills to manipulate the environment: time management, learning strategies, decision making, problem-solving,

• technological skills related to the use of technological devices,

• computer skills,

• the ability to master language skills, e.g. oral and written communication or knowledge of a foreign language,

2. interpersonal competencies:

• the ability of individuals to express their feelings,

• the ability to criticize and self-criticize, interpersonal characteristics,

• the ability to cooperate and work as part of a team,

3. systemic competencies:

They presuppose a combination of understanding, receptivity, and knowledge that enables the individuals to see the connection between parts of the whole, the ability to plan changes and improve systems and plan the new ones, etc.

Subject-specific competencies:

• graduates manage the landscape with regard to environmental protection, complying with the prescribed legislation,

• they manage forests in accordance with the requirements for sustainable development,

• they manage agricultural areas in accordance with nature protection requirements,

• they plan urbanization in the countryside in accordance with the characteristics of the landscape,

• they create natural and cultivated parks in line with the ecology of the landscape,

• they conduct livestock breeding and crop production while protecting the environment,

• they farm in limited production conditions,

• they take care of the landscaping and renovation of villages,

• they can understand and apply modern theories in the field of landscape management sciences,

• they select and verify a business idea and introduce it to the rural area with simultaneous marketing and organizational activities,

• they can use modern information and communication technology for professional needs,

• they are familiar with the existing legislation,

• they are qualified to organize and manage a department or group,

• they communicate professionally with stakeholders (suppliers, customers, competition, experts, politicians, etc.),

• they comprehensively transfer expertise to knowledge users,

• they know and understand the rationale and development of the core profession,

• they solve concrete work problems, using scientific methods and procedures,

• they coherently master basic knowledge,

• they connect knowledge from different fields and applications,

• they place new information and interpretations in the context of the basic discipline (profession),

• they understand general structures of the basic discipline (profession) and the connection between its sub-disciplines,

• they develop skills for the application of knowledge in a particular professional field.

The following students are eligible, according to Article 38 of the Higher Education Act, to enrol in the first year of the study program in Landscape Management:

a) those who passed a general matura examination,

b) those who passed a vocational matura examination, or final exam in any secondary school program,

c) those who before 1 June 1995 completed any four-year secondary school program.

The College can restrict enrolment if the number of applications considerably exceeds the number of available study places.

When limiting enrolment, candidates under points a) and c) are selected according to the criterion of achieved points of general learning success in the third and fourth year (40% of points) and general learning success in matura or vocational exam (60% of points). Candidates under point b) will be selected according to the general success in vocational matura (40% of points), general success in the third and fourth year (40% of points) and success in the exam in the matura course (20% of points).

Conditions for transitions between programs

When approving transitions between programs of the College, the following criteria are taken into account:

• meeting the requirements for enrolment in the new study program,

• the number of available study places,

• the number of years or semesters in the previous study program in which the student has completed all prescribed obligations,

• passed exams and other study obligations from the previous program,

• differential exams and other study obligations that the students must additionally complete if they want to graduate in the new program.

The following transitions are possible at the College:

1. from study programs of higher vocational education (adopted before 01/01/1994) to study programs of higher professional education,

2. from the study programs of vocational colleges under the Vocational Education and Training Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 12/96) and the Higher Vocational Education Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 86/04) into the programs for obtaining higher professional education,

3. among the relevant foreign programs.

The recognition of obligations fulfilled by the student in another program is based on the comparison of the contents of the fulfilled obligations and the contents of required obligations in the study program in Landscape Management. The fulfilled obligations from the other program are recognised if the program in terms of the topical contents and scope matches the scope and topical contents of the subject from the program in Landscape Management within the amount of 80%.

In this case, the obligation is evaluated by the number of ECTS points, as is the case in this course in the program run by the College. Examinations completed no more than five years prior shall be taken into account.

Transition from the study program of higher vocational education (adopted before 01.01.1994) to the study program of higher professional education

Transition is possible if the student meets the conditions for enrolment in a higher professional education program. The above criteria shall apply to these transitions. The condition for enrolment in the third year is a diploma of higher vocational education. All candidates must pass differential examinations in selected subjects of the first and second year until applying for the topic of the diploma thesis, which is prescribed by the competent authority of the College for a total of up to 45 ECTS based on the established differences between the programs.

Transition from the study program of vocational colleges according to the Vocational and Vocational Education Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 12/96) and the Higher Vocational Education Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 86/04)

The above criteria apply to these candidates. Enrolment in the second or third year requires completion of a higher vocational education study degree. Enroled students must pass differential exams arising from differences between programs until enrolment in the third year. These are prescribed by the relevant authority of the College, totalling a maximum of 45 ECTS credits based on the identified differences between the two programs.

Conditions for completion of studies

The conditions for completion of studies are the fulfilment of all study obligations prescribed by the study program in the amount of 180 ECTS credits.

Implementation of studies

The study program will be fully implemented at the current location of the College, Sevno 13, 8000 Novo mesto, both in the form of full-time (free) and part-time (paid) studies.

Course syllabus study program in Landscape Management


Compulsory study units:

– Foundations of European law/Temelji evropskega prava

– Computing and informatics in agriculture/Računalništvo in informatika v kmetijstvu

– Professional terminology in a foreign language/Strokovna terminologija v tujem jeziku

– Business calculus and statistics/Poslovni račun in statistika

– Economics/Ekonomika

– Sustainable development with an emphasis on natural resources/Trajnostni razvoj s poudarkom na naravnih virih

– Entrepreneurship and marketing/Podjetništvo in trženje

– Organization and business/Organizacija in poslovanje

– Basics of plant production/Osnove rastlinske pridelave

– Basics of livestock husbandry/Osnove živinoreje

– Integrated development of the countryside/Celostni razvoj podeželja

– Logistics in agriculture/Logistika v kmetijstvu

Conditions for Promotion to Year 2

To advance from the first to the second year, students must achieve at least 45 ECTS credits from the first year.


Compulsory study units:

– Plant physiology and plant nutrition/Fiziologija in prehrana rastlin

– Wildlife and forest management/Upravljanje z divjadjo in gozdom

– Professional Practice 1/Strokovna praksa 1

– Agri-food chemistry/Agroživilska kemija

– Spatial and urbanistic planing of the countryside/Prostorsko in urbanistično načrtovanje podeželja

– Regulation of agricultural lands/Urejanje kmetijskih zemljišč

– Professional Practice 2/Strokovna praksa 2

Elective study units 1:

Students select an elective study unit from the list:

– Field crops and vegetables production/Pridelovanje poljščin in vrtnin

– Fruit growing and viticulture/Sadjarstvo in vinogradništvo

Elective study units 2:

Students select an elective study unit from the list:

– Countryside tourism/Turizem na podeželju

– Additional and supplementary activities in rural areas/Dodatne in dopolnilne dejavnosti na podeželju

Elective study units 3:

Students select an elective study unit from the list:

– Winemaking/Vinarstvo

– Culture and ways of nutrition/Kultura in način prehranjevanja

Conditions for Promotion to Year 3

To advance from the second to the third year, students must complete all obligations from the first year (including possible differential exams) and collect at least 45 ECTS credits from the second year and complete all obligations associated with Professional practice.


Compulsory study units:

– Agricultural policy/Kmetijska politika

– Biotechnology and genetics/Biotehnologija in genetika

– Total quality and business excellence/Celovita kakovost in poslovna odličnost

– Diploma (Graduate) thesis/Diplomsko delo

Elective study units

Students select 7 (seven) elective study units from the list:

– Management and planning of logistics processes/Upravljanje in načrtovanje logističnih procesov

– Quantitative methods/Kvantitativne metode

– Medicinal and aromatic plants/Zdravilne in aromatične rastline

– Organic farming/Ekološko kmetijstvo

– Management of agricultural areas/Gospodarjenje s kmetijskim prostorom

– (Sustainable) management of forests and ecosystems /Gospodarjenje z gozdom in ekosistemi

– Renewable sources of energy/Obnovljivi viri energije

– Efficient use of energy/Učinkovita raba energije

– Apiculture/Čebelarstvo

– Management (breeding) of sport horses/Športna konjereja

– Eco-remediations/Ekoremediacije

– Breeding and use of beneficial organisms/Gojenje in uporaba koristnih organizmov

– Experience tourism/Doživetja v turizmu

– Tourist offer planning/Načrtovanje turistične ponudbe

If conditions for enrolment in a higher year are not met

The students who do not meet the conditions for enrolment in a higher year may repeat the year or change the study program or field once during their studies due to non-fulfilment of obligations in the previous direction or study program.

The College may grant students promotion to a higher year even if they have not met the required conditions in the event of the following circumstances: maternity, prolonged illness, exceptional family or social circumstances, participation in top cultural, sport or professional events.

An extension of student status

The students, by the applicable legislation, may have their student status extended for a maximum period of one year, if they do not enrol in a higher year for justified reasons; if, for justified reasons, they do not graduate within 12 months after the end of the last semester; if women students give birth during the period of study.

Diploma Thesis

A diploma or master’s thesis can be applied for by a student enroled in the relevant higher professional education program. The student applies for a diploma topic in the Student Office by submitting a correctly completed form OBR-VŠ-GRM-011.

Topics of diploma theses can be suggested by higher education teachers who are members of the Academic Assembly of the College, by visiting higher education teachers, by companies, organisations and other institutions that cooperate with the College and whose topics are related to their specific problems or problems of the industry or social services, and finally, by students in agreement with a potential mentor.

TUITION FEES (for foreign students)

Tuition: 2990 € per year

Enrolment fee: 140 €

Administrative fee: 69,97 €


We will enable the students to obtain knowledge in the fields of:

• landscape management with a focus on the protection of rural areas, taking care of the environment and taking into account the relevant legislation,

• forest management according to the requirements for sustainable development,

• management of agricultural areas, taking into account nature protection,

• creating natural and cultivated landscape parks in accordance with the ecology of the landscape,

• livestock breeding and crop production along with simultaneous nature protection,

• the restoration and renovation of villages and other knowledge.

Advantages of studying at our College:

• comprehensive study of rural areas,

• large selection of study contents within the program,

• participation of the students in the projects,

• contact with top lecturers from the practising profession,

• an individual approach to each student.

Students will obtain the knowledge of:

• new sales philosophies in the field of management of rural areas,

• new market opportunities for the development of rural areas (energy, tourism, nature protection, etc).


We are the recipients of the Erasmus+ charter which allows our students to apply for internships in foreign enterprises and educational institutions.

The College prioritizes a healthy balance of dilligent academic effort and fun!

As one of the members of the University community of Novo mesto, the College organizes student activities, such as an acquaintance party of students, December bowling and the games organized by Novo mesto students.

Novo mesto hosts vibrant and dynamic events all year round, including:

  • cultural events and festivals: Photopub, Jazzinty, Museum Gardens, Cvičkarija, and more;
  • sports events which are held in the sports halls of Marof and Leon Štukl, in open areas, and on the tennis court in Loka, in Portoval, both in the athletic hall and on the football field.Apart from that, it is possible to take long hikes on Gorjanci slopes, and go up the Mountain of Trška Gora, and there are also excellent opportunities for rowing, rafting, and stand-up paddleboarding on the Krka River.

Novo mesto’s diverse calendar offers a spectrum of engaging activities for residents and visitors alike.

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